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CrowdSchool training days in Joinville! 6-7-8 July 2022.

On July 6-8, 2022, project partners gathered in Joinville-le-Pont for internal training days.

The event was an opportunity for partners to discover the updated features of the CrowdHeritage platform, but also to create synergies among best practices and knowledge on different topics: creative and critical thinking, online engagement activities, etc. Schools shared their experience with the cultural partners, creating new added value for improving the management of the CrowdSchool project and increasing the pedagogical benefits for the students.

On the two first days, partners were welcomed at the municipality of Joinville-le-Pont. On the last day, partners were invited to visit the BNF, the French National Library's department called "Gallica". Gallica is the digital library of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and its partners. It has been freely accessible since 1997 and contains several million documents (books in ePub format, newspapers, magazines, images, sound recordings, maps, manuscripts and videos).

Partners presented the CrowdHeritage platform to the staff of BNF and were introduced to Gallica and the new projects coming ahead.


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